Hateaway (interview)

Okky - Vocal
Ian - Guitar
Hizkia - Bass
Sandy - Drum

Surabaya, Indonesia

Alternative Rock / Nu Metal

Sounds Like:
P.O.D / Korn / Story of The Year

More Information:


This time we got a chance to chat with Sandy, drummer of the band Hateaway from Surabaya who still busy recording his new songs. Let us consider directly the interview!
Kali ini kita mendapat kesempatan ngobrol bareng bro Sandy drummer dari band Hateaway asal Surabaya yang lagi sibuk-sibuknya rekaman lagu-lagu barunya. Mari kita simak langsung interviewnya!

Q: How Hateaway formed?
Q: Bagaimana Hateaway bisa terbentuk?

A: We base formation without any ambition, just a bunch of people who accidentally meet, and have a passion for service at the scene "seculer", the form of our concern that viewed the church is still not a lot of moving there. We are indeed basically players rock genre, can not maximize the talents and call if only the service in the church.
A: Kita terbentuknya tanpa dasar ambisi apapun, cuma sekumpulan orang yang gak sengaja ketemu, dan punya gairah buat pelayanan di scene "sekuler", bentuk  dari keprihatinan kita yang melihat gereja masih belum banyak bergerak di sana. Kami yang emang dasarnya pemain genre cadas, gak bisa memaksimalkan talenta dan panggilan kalo hanya pelayanan di gereja.

Q: Why did you choose the name "Hateaway" for the band?
Q: Kenapa kalian memilih nama "Hateaway" untuk band ini?

A: Because we are playing rock music is constituted by the ministry, we want to have a name that is rooted by love. Incidentally I idolized beautiful actress Anne Hathaway, and his name can be called so Hateaway, which means "hate to go"
A: Karena kita memang bermain musik cadas yang didasari oleh pelayanan, kita mau punya nama yang berakar oleh kasih. Kebetulan aku ngefans sama artis cantik Anne Hathaway, dan namanya bisa dipelestin jadi Hateaway, yang artinya " benci pergi"

Q: What is your aim to form "Hathaway"?
Q: Apa tujuan kalian membentuk "Hateaway"?

A: The goal as number one, we service in the world that the majority do not know the Lord Jesus. His intentions are those of us who blessed in the church, bring Jesus into the underground scene and let Him exalted there. Bring worship to secular people, bring light to the dark world.
A: Tujuannya kayak yang nomer satu, kita pelayanan di dunia yang mayoritas tidak mengenal Tuhan Yesus. Niatnya kita-kita yg banyak terberkarti di gereja, bawa Tuhan Yesus ke scene underground dan biarkan Dia yang diagungkan di sana. Bring worship to secular people, bring light to the dark world. (Membawa penyembahan ke orang sekular, Membawa terang untuk kegelapan dunia).

Q: Do you guys have a testimony with Christ in your life? Tell me the story. 
Q: Apa kalian punya kesaksian tentang Tuhan Yesus? Tolong bagikan ceritanya kepada kami.

A: Well it's a long story hahaha and every personnel have the story and the timing of each. But overall, we are all made up of people who live wrong way, but Jesus wanted to come personally in our respective lives. If I personally, I was pro with Satanism and my life is full of rebellion, but God will humble himself for stopping in my life and give love, and it heals a lot of wounds. Therefore all, hateaway had principles and slogans for each of our sharing, #itsnotaboutus, because we humans are not ABLE to justify itself and nencari God, but God WANT deepest darkness approached, and give forgiveness (by grace).
A: Wah itu ceritanya panjang hahaha dan tiap personil punya kisah dan timingnya masing-masing. Tapi secara keseluruhan, kita semua terdiri dari orang-orang yang hidupnya gak ada yang  bener, tapi Tuhan Yesus mau mampir secara pribadi di hidup kami masing-masing. Kalo aku pribadi, dulunya aku pro dengan satanisme dan hidupku penuh dengan pemberontakan, tapi Tuhan mau merendahkan diriNya buat mampir di hidupku dan memberikan kasih, dan hal itu menyembuhkan banyak luka. Oleh karena itu semua, hateaway punya prinsip dan slogan buat setiap sharing kita, #itsnotaboutus, karena bukan kita manusia yang MAMPU membenarkan diri dan nencari Tuhan, tapi Tuhan yang MAU menghamipiri kegelapan yang terdalam, memberikan pengampunan (by grace).

Q: What you think about the church that blessing the gay and lesbian marriage?
Q: Bagaimana pendapat kalian tentang gereja yang sudah memberkati pernikahan LGBT?

A: Church is not a museum for saints, but a hospital for the broken. LGBT deviated from the will of God who created marriage sacred, and it is a disease. Church should heal with love, rather than promote it. We can not judge our fellow human beings, but we believe if the Lord looks at the heart and records every action. Reject LGBT, love sufferers.
A: Church is not museum for saints, but hospital for the broken (Gereja bukan musium untuk pengetahuan, tetapi rumah sakit untuk yang remuk). LGBT melenceng dari kehendak Tuhan yang menciptakan pernikahan kudus, dan itu adalah penyakit. Gereja seharusnya menyembuhkan itu dengan kasih, bukan malah mempromosikannya. Kami gak bisa menghakimi sesama manusia, tapi kami percaya kalo Tuhan melihat hati dan mencatat setiap perbuatan. Tolak LGBT, cintai penderitanya.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
Q: Apa rencana kalian kedepannya?

A: Plan for the future, maximizing the talent and calls that have been entrusted to Us in this area, and We will not limit Him for more work. We were limited, but He indefinitely.
A: Rencana ke depannya, memaksimalkan talenta dan panggilan yang sudah dipercayakan pada kami di bidang ini, dan kami gak akan batasi Dia buat berkarya lebih. Kami terbatas, tapi Dia tanpa batas.